



  • v.

    责难( oppugn的现在分词 );反驳;质疑;抗击

  • 英英释义

    oppugn[ ɔ'pju:n, ə- ]

    • v.challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of

      同义词:questioncall into question



    Oppugning Ecological Aesthetics
    Meta-cognition:Oppugning and Defining in Theory
    Oppugning the Canceling of the Judge's Extrajudicial Investigation
    Oppugning the Legitimacy of the Criminal Regulation of Human Flesh Search
    Oppugning the assumptions of spatial averaging of segment and joint orientations.
    Oppugning the Two Basic Meanings of Economic-man: Some Evidences from Experiments
    Simulation for Anti-aircraft Missile Oppugning Cruise Missile
    Analysis of oppugning antiship missiles saturation attack capability of "Arleigh Burke"-class destroyer
    Oppugning the foundation of the YB/T 169-2000 Metallographic test method for the sorbite percent in the high carbon steel wire rod
    The Significance and Approach to Establish Precedent System in China:A Response to Oppugning “Case Law”